Monday, July 27, 2009

Time For Bed

Yesterday, Steph went home. Which meant that today, was my first day of being a nanny, without having someone sitting right next to me to answer my " this where I turn??" kind of questions. All in all, it went pretty well. We got up in the morning and did the eat breakfast and get ready thing. Then a little later in the morning Mad and I decided to take Cleo (she's the dog) for a walk. I had assumed (silly me) that this was going to be a five or ten minute ordeal. Not the case. About halfway through our walk I said to Mad, "Wow, its taking forever to get back home. Are we almost there?" in response, Mad kind of giggled and told me we weren't even close. She had failed to mention at the beginning of the walk (but was quite happy to inform me once we were too far to turn around) that the path we took was about a 2.5 mile walk. And since I am not in the best shape, I was a little tired by the end of the middle of it. Anyway. When we got home from our walk we went to the country club to go swimming, and of course I couldn't tell that sweet little face no when she asked me to get in the pool and play with her. Anyway, what this rambling post is here to tell you is this: 1 - Day one of being on my own went well and 2 - I'm pooped! Ok, that's all I have to say for now.


Sarah Jean said...

Oh thank you. I've been hoping for an update.

Stephanie said...

I so love that walk! It's my favorite and you will take it MANY times, I promise. :) I'm missing my Connecticut home. Hug the kids and snuggle Cleo for me!!!

Shay Lee said...

Good job Michelle!! i felt so excited for you when I read this. Don't know why exactly. Just did. I love you lots and lots!

Michelle said...

We're all missing you too Steph!

Brandon said...


nicole said...

Sounds like fun!! Jealous about your walk...can't even get Kollin to do more than our little block.