Monday, October 5, 2009

Madeleine Playing Soccer

Sunday was a beautiful day. Sunshiny and warm and perfect for going to the park to watch a soccer game.

Mad and her team won!


Stephanie said...

Love my girl! So cute!

Sarah Jean said...

Glad you posted this - it was good you went. Love you

Meandering Mel said...

Congrats to Mads!! :)

Anonymous said...

So I was talking to Grandma Rose the other day, and when I asked how Michelle was doing she said "she has a blog, you should look her up".

So here I am (after meandering my way through the Jared/Kayleen blog then to the Brandon blog).

For the record, I watch Glen Beck every day. And I heard a sample of Bob Dylan's new Christmas CD, and I think it best you skip it.

Anyway, it looks like nannying (is that a word?) agrees with you.

I'll check back once in a while.

Uncle Walt