Friday, March 30, 2018

Dialysis: The Time Has Come

I saw my doctor yesterday. She told me that my kidney function has dropped again and is now at about 11%. I told her about how my symptoms are currently: exhausted all the time, nausea, sore and achy, no appetite, lots of swelling and weight gain from the fluid retention, headaches....
She thinks that it is time to start dialysis. I thought I'd be more nervous than I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm nervous as hell, but I'm also feeling absolutely awful lately and the idea that I might feel even just a little bit better is a really hopeful thought.
She (my Nephrologist...which is a kidney specialist if you didn't know) wants to try Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) first. Basically, I will fill my peritoneal cavity (think of it as a kind of stomach lining) with the dialysate solution which will draw all the waste and extra water to it, then I'll drain the dialysate which will get rid of all that extra stuff in my body that my kidneys aren't filtering out since they don't work well. There are two different ways of doing this exchange. Either manually several times throughout the day, or with a machine that runs and does several exchanges while you sleep at night. Either way they would be able to be done by me and in the comfort of my own home!
In order to start, they will need to surgically put a PD catheter in my stomach area, which doesn't sound awesome, but sounds WAY less scary to me than a fistula. I'll have to let that heal for a couple of weeks before we can start to use it.
The one main concern that we have about peritoneal dialysis instead of hemodialysis (where they take your blood out, clean it, and put it back in) is that the solution used for PD is glucose (sugar) based, and since I am Type 1 diabetic, that could really mess with my blood sugar levels. Also, if there is too much glucose in the rest of my body (meaning if my blood sugar level is too high) then the dialysate wont be as least that was my understanding of it. Please keep in mind that this is all brand new to me and what I've learned so far is mostly by looking online. So, that's where I'm at. It's so much for my little brain to digest, but like I said, I'm really hopeful that this is going to give me a little more energy and make it so that day to day, I'm not having to deal quiet so much with the symptoms of CKD. Maybe my pants will even fit me again! ;)

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