Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Song in my

I have a question...does anyone ever wake up with a song stuck in their head? As in, it wasn't there when you went to bed, but it was there when you woke up? For as long as I can remember I have. Almost every single morning there is a new song just stuck in my head. Sometimes it's a song I like & sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's a song I heard just the day before & sometimes it's one I haven't heard in years. I assumed that it was something that happened to everyone, but the other day I was talking to my friend Dale (who happens to be as passionate about music as I am) and we somehow got around to this topic of conversation and I was shocked to find out that he DIDN'T wake up with a song in his head. So I started asking some more far 6 out of 6 have said "nope" no song in their heads in the morning either. Interesting. I like having a song in my head in the morning, I wonder why I do? And how did it get there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly I only VERY occasionally wake up with a song in my head but it does happen occasionally. Sooooo I'm figuring that you either are very musically lucky, have melodic dreams, or have an alarm clock that plays music before you're really awake. A fun mystery!