Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Welcome to California

Wednesday was a bad day. I don't have a good reason but I wasn't happy. So I thought to myself 'I just want to run away.' On Thursday I told a coworker and friend, Lauren, that I wanted to run away and we did some wishful talking about going to the ocean. We were on the verge of actually doing it when I called her Thursday night and said, "This is a silly idea, lets not go to California." The next day (Friday) I got to work and this is what was at my desk.

Lauren had set my little bamboo plant up to be a palm tree, and my little Zen Garden up to be the beach, and attached a little note that said "Welcome to California!" It made me so happy! I told her she forgot about the ocean, which I happen to love with a passion that I can't describe, so we decided to set my water bottle next to the beach. Oh if only it were true...


Friday was a slow day at work and by about 10:00 am I was all done with everything I needed to do. I took that as a sign, and by noon, Lauren and I were on the road on our way to the ocean! Yay!! We drove all day Friday, played all day Saturday, and drove again all day Sunday.

At this point I need to apologise to my wonderful family that lives in California, because I was SO CLOSE! If I would have had even just a little more time, I would have come by for a little visit. Please forgive me, I'll take another spontaneous road trip sometime soon hopefully and I'll come visit then.

Anyway! I wanted to share a few pictures from our little jaunt to Half Moon Bay (see, I told you I was close, Half Moon Bay is only about 30 miles south of San Francisco. I also hear that this is one of Aunt Catherine's favorite places. Understandably so, it's BEAUTIFUL!)

Yay, for spontaneous road trips! It was just what I needed!!


nicole said...

I'm so jealous, Kol and I have wanted to go to the beach for so long. It still hasn't happened but he now has a week of vacation to use...so maybe!

Kimmy Sunshine said...

What grande fun, I'd love to have a friend I could snag at a second's notice and take off with. I am enviousious and hope you caught a few extra rays for me.

Lauren said...


Lauren said...

o i forgot...


that is all.

Jamie said...

What a life. :) I guess its a good thing that I can't just really take off at any given moment. I wouldn't work for the rest of my life! haha!

Shay Lee said...

:) :( all in one.

Roy said...

Half Moon Bay! Great spot! I could have brought you a couple of experienced surfboards! I dare you to do it again!

Love you

Stephanie said...

Yay fun!!! I love it! And I love you. Yep!