Sunday, June 6, 2010

Unexpected Beach Day

Yesterday morning I went into the city to have brunch for book club one last time before I move home. It was great. We didn't talk about the book at all! Someone (I think it was Meg) pointed out how funny it was that when book club started and none of us really knew each other we all read the book and came prepared, with our list of questions and comments. But now that we all know each other and have become friends we show up to brunch and just kind of forget to bring the book up at all.
As we were finishing up with brunch I asked what fun things people were doing for the day. Meg (she's the other redhead in the photo above, by the way. Right across from me) told me that her ward in Brooklyn is going to the beach, so she was going to Penn Station to catch a train to Long Island to go with. That is when I recalled that on Friday night Sadie was trying hard to convince me to go to Long Island to the beach with her and our ward. I asked Meg if this was a multi-ward sort of an event and she said that yes, she thinks it is. So I invited myself to go with. I bought a sundress off the street on the way from the restaurant to the subway (Oh yeah the restaurant. Cafe Mei Mei in Brooklyn, which had the most amazing, cornflake battered french toast ever), hopped on a train with Meg, and went to Jones Beach.
This is a picture Patrick took and I stole off his facebook (thanks Patty) of Me, Sadie, Meg, and Sarah chatting just off the boardwalk
Meg, myself, and Karen (who I just met on this trip and is wonderful) hanging out on the beach.

And here I am with Sadie. We had a lot of fun. There was a volleyball tournament, frisbee, and just general lounging around. The water was SO cold, so I just put my little toes in for a few minutes...well, the cold water and the fact that I had no swimsuit is probably why I only put my little toes in. After we finished soaking up the sun and hanging out we (Meg, Karen, myself, and a number of Megs friends) got back on the train and went to dinner at the Shake Shack. It was such a great day.


Anonymous said...

Yay! How wonderfully spontaneous! I miss NY for you already (but can't wait to have you home!). Love you so much - A. Becky

Lauren said...


As the inspiration for my blogging addiction I would ask/beg very nicely... BLOG! I miss your blogs! :) I hope everything is going GREAT for you!
