Saturday, February 26, 2011

Remember Me??

Wow, nine months is a long time to go without blogging! Life has been a bit of a roller coaster, but I realised today while I was reading my old posts that there has actually been a lot that has happened over the last nine months...some great things, some not so great things and I really should start blogging again. It was really interesting to me to read posts from when I first started this little blog and notice little things about myself that have changed and a year from now I'd like to notice more things about myself that have changed. So while I'm not going to make any promises about how well I will do, I will promise to TRY to blog more...hey thats something right? I'm not sure how much I want to blog about some of the "not so great" things so I think to get myself back into the routine of blogging I'll just post some pictures and stories of some of the "great things" over the past months. Look at me, I'm back to rambling away already! :) hhmmm...where to start.....


Unknown said...

Yay please do, please do!!!

Lauren said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to read this! I had to check the URL to make sure this is your blog. This is me in happy shock! :) I LOVE michelle ramblings!