Thursday, March 25, 2010

Madeleines Math Test

Problem: Queen Arlene has a problem. She wants to divide her land among her three children. She wants her oldest daughter to get 1/2 of the land and her younger daughters to each get 1/3 of the land. Can she do it? Explain your answer.

Mads answer: No because it is not fair for the older sister to get more than the younger sisters.


angie said...

Madeleine's answer is definitely better than mine.

But, because I minored in math, AND am a dork...

Yes, she can do it. If the oldest gets 1/2 and the youngest gets 1/3 that leaves 1/6 for the last child. Or, the equation:
1/2 + 1/3 + x = 1

dork. i know.

Michelle said...

No Angie! Cause its not fair! :) I had to tell about it cause I thought it was so cute.

Stephanie said...

She's the cutest ever! I love how her answers are always the practical or NICE way to do things. :) Sure miss that sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ang,

I am so NOT a math person but - - if she wants "her younger daughters to each get 1/3" can she do it? Since I'm a youngest daughter I think NO, she can't and I agree with Mad totally! (Also, isn't 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/2 more than 1?) Signed mathematically challenged A. Becky

Michelle said...

Update: Mad has a math tutor come every week and while the tutor was here explaining to Mad that on a MATH test she needs to focus on the math portion of the problems not the fairness of the problems Mad went off about how she thinks her teacher was incorrect for marking this question as wrong, because it really ISNT fair! They had a serious debate about it! SO cute!!

angie said...

becky you are right, i didn't read the question well, i missed that word each! oops - i like math, apparently i am rusty and can't do it :)