Tuesday, June 2, 2009

...Is "Sunroof" One Word? Or Two??

On the morning of May 16th I was driving with my friend Cassie down the interstate, when all of the sudden we heard - POP!!! And just like that the front sunroof on my beloved 99 Subaru Outback had shattered! I don’t know how…we must have gotten assaulted by a rock or something. It was a little frightening! Believe it or not, that little piece of glass that sits above my head, the one with that tiny little curve in it, is NOT very cheap. About $650.00 just for the glass. OUCH! Well the guys at the local body shop looked around and found a used one (which was no easy task) for about half as much and I am so grateful that they did! Thanks Preston Watts!! So, this post is to inform the world (or at least whomever is reading this blog) that last Friday (May 30th) (yeah, I was without my car for that long, sad huh? Thanks Dad, for letting me borrow your truck to get around!) I got my car back AND if it rains, I won’t even get wet through the sunroof cause there is a whole piece of glass in it!


Sarah Jean said...

I was afraid the storm last night was going to break it again.

Lauren said...

one week.. pshhhh talk to me after 7 weeks :)

btw.. im really AM excited for you!

nicole said...

Oh no!! I don't like hearing that, I have a sunroof too!

Glad though you have your car back!